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No Smoking.

GTS 666

Senior Member
AUSTRALIA New South Wales.
Day 21 and still no smoking so going pretty darn good. But I've got a wisdom tooth that is giving me F#^*#^g heaps which has help slow down any appetite as its to sore the chew food.


Senior Member
Haskell NJ
GTS 666 said:
Day 21 and still no smoking so going pretty darn good. But I've got a wisdom tooth that is giving me F#^*#^g heaps which has help slow down any appetite as its to sore the chew food.
Good for you 21 days kicks ass...sux about the tooth.keep up the good work and just think of all the money ur saving and better health...


Senior Member
Canton Michigan
I quit 3+ years ago with an electronic cigarette. It was a Joytech 510. After I quit, I then gave it to my Mom and she quit, she gave it to her sister and she quit, she gave it to her son and he quit. I guess I have to say it was the best 50 bux I ever spent!

I've been a nonsmoker for over 3 years and I have no cravings for that nasty shit. It stinks!

I thought Michigan taxed the snot out of cigarettes, I had no idea Aus taxed up to 20 bux a pack, WOW!

You guys haven't posted in awhile.... Keep up the nonsmoking! It will get easier. Trust me.

Food tastes better, beer tastes better, the ole lady smells better... lol It will get better!


Senior Member
Re: No Smoking.

I might have to pick up a electric cig and try that. Getting sick of the whole smoking thing and you guys are smoke free that's so awsome


Senior Member
Canton Michigan
Here's what I bought.


and the liquid...


A bottle of liquid lasts about 2-3 weeks or more depending on how hard you hit it. I recommend the USA (red) blend if you're looking for something that resembles a cigarette-type flavor. Within 2 weeks all I liked were the fruity flavors like grapefruit and pear. Both of these fruits I hate to eat, but the flavored liquid was pretty cool.

Avoid those cheap things you find in gas stations as they are JUNK! Even the expensive ones are junk, you can't buy parts for them. Those are like buying your r/c's at Radio Shack or Walmart. You can buy parts for the 510 I linked up there.

Good luck!
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rampage idiot

Senior Member
Indiana Pa.
GTS 666 said:
I'm still off them have not touched one since I gave up and don't ever intend to put one in my mouth again. If I did I would be a fool now.
Congrats to you!


Congrats guys!

I have a freind that quit just over a year ago. He opened a savings act and every week deposits what he would have spent on smokes. Now he takes an extra vacation on his new found savings. He was up to 2 packs a day.


Senior Member
Canton Michigan
With the money I saved on cigarettes, I bought 3 new rifles and several thousand rounds for said rifles... I still spend the same money everyday, but now I buy cool shit like Clodbusters and shotguns! lol

Now if I could only combine the Clod with a semi auto shotgun...

REVOlutionary Rampage

Senior Member
Weeks Mills ME
I've never smoked, and don't plan to EVER. If you ever want to quit, go see or be around someone, especially a loved one with terminal lung cancer. visiting them through all the way through the stages of it. You won't even look a a cigarette or have a craving for one EVER after that. Kudo's to the guys that kicked the habit though :)

Clodbuster + Shotgun = Shotbuster? :)

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