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failsafe servo glitch?


shelburne, vermont
When i set up the stock failsafe that came with the truck it made the serco glitch like crazy. I took the failsafe out and the servo is fine. Why would it do this? i have an airtronics fhss radio and it a hi-tec 645 servo.


Senior Member
south lake tahoe ,ca
topdog802 said:
When i set up the stock failsafe that came with the truck it made the serco glitch like crazy. I took the failsafe out and the servo is fine. Why would it do this? i have an airtronics fhss radio and it a hi-tec 645 servo.
mine did that too:confused: with a futaba

but i got a futaba brand fail safe:rolleyes:

i don't know why, :cool: but that will fix it


Senior Member
Grants Pass, Oregon
This is actually a VERY common occurence, My LHS has sold six redcat's now with there stock failsafe and each one has come back with this problem. We all thought it was the servo but we have all changed them and they still twitch at times or just hold the throttle wide open :eek: . Junk it and buy a Dynamite failsafe, non of us have had problems since.


Senior Member
Grants Pass, Oregon
kun114 said:
Junk the failsafe. Get yourself a good 3ch radio and a Pico kill switch.
I'm only going to say this in defense, not to insult anyone. Alot of people who purchase a Redcat do not have the funds available to buy all the things needed to make the vehicle "foolproof" hence buying the less expensive vehicle. The three channel radio is about 1/4 to 1/3 more money than a comparable 2 channel radio, also the pico kill switch is $65 dollars (also out of stock) while the dynamite failsafe is $23 dollars and works great. There are many more reasons for a failsafe also, like for instance your out of radio range and about to hit a curb, well while the "failsafe" hits the brakes and tries to stop the vehicle, the pico only shuts the motor down and allows the vehicle to coast which could still result in damage. There are many reasons back and forth that could prove one product over another, but it all boils down to personall preference and funds.


Senior Member
Grants Pass, Oregon
topdog802 said:
i have a Airtronics HSFF it is 3 channel. Can i get failsafe/kill switch? one that i can shut off by the 3rd channel and still have a failsafe set to full break if i do get a run away?
You can have a kill switch and also a failsafe, my opinion is that this is the best option because it completely protects you investment on both those accounts of destruction.


Errington Vancouver Island


I use the #1 doing the wiring is easy with a soldering iron it was only $35. I found they don't like water though cos the rampage battery box is a sieve...so i'm going to goop my switch with clear silicon...the led quit when it got wet but as it's hidden in the battery box it doesn't matter.

I got built in failsafe in the react and dx3 which i prefer to external ones.

I realise alot of people are on a budget but a good 3ch radio like the dx3 can be had, used, quite reasonably off ebay and is well worth it...I might be tempted into selling mine at a reasonable price as i just bought a second nomadio receiver for my FG.


Senior Member
Westminster, MD
cable97526 said:
I'm only going to say this in defense, not to insult anyone. Alot of people who purchase a Redcat do not have the funds available to buy all the things needed to make the vehicle "foolproof" hence buying the less expensive vehicle. The three channel radio is about 1/4 to 1/3 more money than a comparable 2 channel radio, also the pico kill switch is $65 dollars (also out of stock) while the dynamite failsafe is $23 dollars and works great. There are many more reasons for a failsafe also, like for instance your out of radio range and about to hit a curb, well while the "failsafe" hits the brakes and tries to stop the vehicle, the pico only shuts the motor down and allows the vehicle to coast which could still result in damage. There are many reasons back and forth that could prove one product over another, but it all boils down to personall preference and funds.
This is just my 2c's. I've used three different brand failsafes in the past and still ended up with wrecked vehicles. There are several reasonable priced three channel systems out there now a days with built in failsafe options. Add a forty dollar PICO style killswitch to that and this is your best protection in my opinion. After all, a good radio system is the best option you could ever buy for any RC.

Sprint 77

Gladewater Texas USA

topdog802 said:
When i set up the stock failsafe that came with the truck it made the serco glitch like crazy. I took the failsafe out and the servo is fine. Why would it do this? i have an airtronics fhss radio and it a hi-tec 645 servo.
I don't think the servo is the glitch as others state it is the fail safe. But with large scale (vibration and more RF interference) do yourself a favor and save the 645 for your 1/10 scales the 6__ __ series servos including the digital line are a 4 pole motor the 7___ __ and 9__ __ series servos are 6 pole motors and the quality and resolution take way more abuse that large scale gives. Just a note on Hitec products nomenclature of their servos.
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Senior Member
The artronics will not work with other failsafes it has a built in failsafe and to be honest that plus a pico killswitch is all you need anouther thing that will help is if you power your sterring servo direct from the beatery after the switch this helps to reduce voltage drops that engage the failsafe unnesersarely


shelburne, vermont
i just got my mt and deverything i need for it (truck, radio, servos, oil, grease and such. ive already spent over $1000 thats just the basics. im just getting into the large scale so the wif gives me a budget. ive got hi tec 645 t/b servo and just got the 755 for steering. thanks for all of the help guys. sprint77 thanks for the info, im going to look into the bigger servos now. ill replace the 645 when it dies. but thanks again everybody.

p.s. i cant seem to get the failsafe on my radio to set correctlly, ive been over the instructions a fev times and it binds to the reciver but the failsafe will not set. any ideas?


Senior Member
with the airtronics its easy you just turn on the car press the bind button then set your brake on the radio where you want it and hold it there then turn on the radio and wait for the bind to complete should take about 10secs thats it and to test just turn off the radio and the failsafe should engage the brake to where you set it

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